A Note from Boat Angel Team Members:
People up and down the New England states abandon boats in a regular fashion. Some states like Rhode Island with it’s many ocean facing harbors see the boats left at mooring or left to rot in backyard slips, marinas or storage yards. Sometimes boaters are just indecisive. They don’t know if it is better to hold on to the dream that they will fix their boat and start boating again or just face the reality it is not going to happen and take the necessary steps to get rid of the boat.
But what are the options. Large boat no trailer -small boat not working –backyard boat missing an outdrive, sailboat with no engine and perhaps a broken rudder. It is not easy to rid of a big boat. However, if you do not wait until the boat has no value you can get rid of it by donating it. Yes! Boat Angel has an EZ process and you can donate the boat right from where it is. As long as your boat is not scrap or salvage and you actually own it (not just a boat left at your summer house for twenty years.) Not only can you donate it but you can get a tax receipt based on either the Fair Market Value (FMV) or the charity auction selling price. When you weigh the cost of moving, selling, repairs, registrations, insurance, ongoing storage and marina fees donating can become an attractive option.
Whether you have a large sailboat, ski boat or jet ski in Newport, or a center console in Warwick; donating can be a good option for you. You can trust Boat Angel to do their best. All the donations fund our worldwide children’s programs. Our IRS exempt status is listed below along with a free application for our EZ Donation Service. Donate your boat, car, motorcycle, RV or truck today. We will help you by finding a new home for it and the proceeds from your donation will help us help others.